Saturday, April 13, 2013

Entertainment Design: Assignment 1[Progress 2]

Entertainment Design: Assignment 1[Progress 2]
[Movie Teaser Poster]

12nd April

The story plot has done. It's time to do the movie teaser poster.
Below is the link of my previous update about the story plot and poster concept.
Entertainment Design: Assignment 1[Progress 1]

As what I had mentioned in my previous post, I will use blue and sky to create the poster.
I found some photos that are suitable for my poster.

The combination of the Sky and Balloon.
Unfortunately, the photo is copyrighted and the balloon illustration is too similar to [UP].
With no doubt, I must get other photos to create a poster.


Therefore, I found another photo of sky and balloon.
*Note: sky=hope, flying elephant=dare to dream

Here is the outcome.
After I had combined the photos as the above one, I found that this is not suitable for my poster design.
So I'm still searching for better photos.

To be continued..

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